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Edgewood Hearing-Oct. 15, 2003
Minutes of the Edgewood Estates
Continued Public Hearing of
October 15, 2003

I.      CALL TO ORDER - 9:00 p.m.

        Members Present:        Philip Lindquist, Chairman
                                Gerard LeBlanc, Vice Chairman
                                David Nagle, Clerk
                                Joan DiLillo, Member
                                Gordon Coyle, Member

        Others Present: Town Planner Noreen O’Toole
                                Administrative Assistant Barbara Ferguson

        The applicant’s representative, Bernard Munro of Land Planning, Inc. of Hanson, told the Board that all of the revisions requested at the September 15, 2003 hearing session had been made to the plans for the subdivision including those from Fire Chief Allen Hoyt regarding hydrants and the inside radius of the cul-de-sac. An October 15, 2003 letter from review engineer John DeLano of John W. DeLano and Associates, Inc. of Halifax, confirmed the requested revisions had been made with the exception of an indication that the 10-foot easement along the street includes a tree planting easement.

        Addressing the concerns raised at the last hearing relative to the drainage basin, Mr. Munro said a percolation test was conducted that was observed by the Board’s review engineer. Mr. DeLano told the Board that the September 29, 2003 test indicated that the bottom of the basin will be at least a half foot above the water table.  The percolation rate itself, he said, was five minutes per inch which indicated that Land Planning’s assumptions regarding the soil texture were valid.

        Chairman Lindquist noted that one of the other concerns raised at the previous hearing session was access to neighboring conservation land by pedestrians and fire apparatus. The best bet, Mr. Munro said, would be the electric easement that runs through the site and is relatively flat. Mr. Munro suggested a 10 foot easement for a foot trail to the conservation land along the driveway of Lot 4.

        Chairman Lindquist asked for clarification on Parcel A and was told by Mr. Munro that the parcel would be owned and maintained for development signage and landscaping by the current owner.  It could be conveyed to the Town of Hanson at the time the roadway is accepted, Mr. Munro said.

        Mr. Munro said that he is working with a property owner on Barbara Road on a water easement to Barbara Road requested by the Water Department.  He said that the 10-foot, tree planting easement will be shown on the final plan.  The Board said that its decision will be rendered when all of the requested information has been received.
        Motion to close the public hearing: Gerard LeBlanc
        Second: David Nagle
        Vote: 5-0